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PRAYER: Prayer for all in the time of COVID-19

Cardinal Orlando B. Quevedo, OMI. MindaNews file photo by TOTO LOZANO

Kindly know that my daily Masses celebrated in the privacy of my residence are:

(1) for all the frontliners in the fight against COVID-19;

(2) for the success of medical researchers to discover a lasting cure for COVID-19 and a vaccine to prevent it;

(3) for all those infected by it;

(4) for the safety of all families and homes with members in quarantine;

(5) for all those who are dying in isolation and in need of solace and strength, and words of love and forgiveness;

(6) for pleas and prayers to the loving Lord and all the Saints to stop the virus and keep us safe;

(7) for all of us to learn and live the lessons taught by this pandemic. Among these are repentance and conversion, (un)common sense, prayer, faith and hope, and, above all, love.

Please join me in praying for these intentions. Add your own personal intentions. These are also my intentions for the five decades of our Blessed Mother’s Rosary.

“The Lord is my Shepherd….Though I walk in the valley of darkness I fear no evil.”

(Cardinal Orlando B. Quevedo, OMI, Mindanao’s first and only Cardinal, is Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Cotabato)



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