The three-day chessfest is jointly sponsored by National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP) president Representative Prospero “ Butch” Pichay of Surigao Del Sur and Surallah Municipal Mayor Romulo Solivio.
The champion will take home P10, 000 while the next three finishers will receive P7, 000, P4, 000 and P2, 000 respectively in the event also supported by the South Cotabato provincial government.
Fifth to 10th placer will get P1, 000 each and the 11th to 15th finisher will bring home P500 each. The top three lady and kiddy players will also receive P500 each. Registration fee is pegged at P200.
The opening ceremony is set on February 9, 2 p.m. at the Surallah Public Market Administration Building. Interested players may contact Tournament Manager Abelardo Madrona, Jr ( 0910-4646737) or Ferdinand Leysa (0918-3688865) .