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TURNING POINT: “What is Happening to our Country, General?”

NAAWAN, Misamis Oriental (MindaNews/ 28 October) —

Every suspect is already a criminal.
And a criminal is punished either by immediate execution or
By sickening death threat
The fear of death forces a suspect to disappear.
To disappear is to end one’s productive and meaningful participation in his community.
To deprive a person productive and meaningful participation in the community renders him virtually dead.
Thus, at the end of the day
All suspects are dead.
A suspect is made through finger-pointing.
There’s no stopping anybody from pointing fingers.
Thus, there’s no stopping anyone from becoming a criminal and dead one day.
Killing is everyday everywhere.
Yet those who wield power and their brain-dead followers are telling us that only bad elements should fear for their lives.
They might as well be zombies because they are incapable of reason.
Zombies fear nothing
For they have long been dead.
Zombies are a rampaging herd whose only reason for being is
To maim and kill and make more zombies on the trail.
Thus, if nothing is done
The Philippines will soon be a nation of zombies.
The question Philippine Vice President Emmanuel Pelaez raised 35 years ago after
barely escaping an attempt on his life in a killing regime may well be asked today:
“What is happening to our country, General?”

(MindaViews is the opinion section of MindaNews. William R. Adan, Ph.D., is retired professor and former chancellor of Mindanao State University at Naawan, Misamis Oriental)


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