To categorically say ‘Moro women’ vis-à-vis using the more general gender word "women" denotes a sense of prejudice. In fact it insults and stereotypes the Moro people. Never mind that the statement came from a Moro woman herself as the article reported. What is important to note here is that the branding or stereotyping of one's own kind is a consequence wrought by a discriminatory society and state; such that minority sectors are shamed and bastardized such as what the Moro, Muslim and indigenous sectors have long been experiencing.
Pay heed: Not only Moro women are mothers who suffer from poverty such that they would be pushed to commit crimes; and might therefore be branded as terrorists under the Human Security Act. All Filipinos, regardless of age, gender, tribe or faith are candidate victims of this act which in many words could be described as vague, ambivalent, paranoid, and yes, a tragic blow to democracy which unveils the militarist face of this government.
But the article still deserves credit for it highlighted, wittingly or unwittingly, the crime that this law is capable of committing against the Filipino people: it renders common crimes as act of terrorism and treats suspects as criminals! To add, the article showed the anti-Moro side of this law — the HSA will aggravate the plight of the Moro people.
It has been a long time since we were made collaterals and scapegoats of the government's war on terrorism. Without the HSA, the Moro people have already suffered from illegal arrest and detention, torture, community raids and terrorist tagging.
With the HSA enacted, the Moro people will never see an end to discrimination, and suppression.
Abubakar Uy Suara Bangsamoro Secretary General Southern Mindanao Region