In interviews with reporters, Gonzalez made much of the supposed safeguards in the anti-terror law and the principle that media's sources of information are "sacred."
Yet, in the same breath, he added: "Of course, unless there is sufficient basis or if they are being suspected of co-mingling with terror suspects."
This is a statement as vague and as fraught with danger as many of the anti-terror law's provisions, especially those that supposedly define what terrorism is and who terrorists are, provisions so open-ended they could actually lead to anyone and everyone who government deems fit being tagged a terrorist.
What, we ask, constitutes "co-mingling with terror suspects?" Interviewing them? Meeting with them in pursuit of stories?
And, we stress, Gonzalez does not even talk of legally proscribed terrorists but "terror suspects" and of journalists being "suspected" of "co-mingling" with these terror suspects.
Gonzalez alludes to the ostensible "safeguards" the law provides against abuse.
Alas, as we have seen all too often, and not only in the case of media, such safeguards too sadly become a recourse after the fact, when rights have been tramped and freedoms run roughshod over.
Just as disconcerting is the fact that it is Gonzalez himself who can recommend who "are being suspected of co-mingling with terror suspects" and, thus, fair game for wiretapping.
We still remember Gonzalez' snide dismissal of the murder of journalists as the probable offshoot of drunken sprees or extramarital affairs, or his derisive challenge to those protesting his oftentimes inane interpretations of the law he is supposed to uphold to go to court.
Indeed, given this government's general apathy to the continued assaults on press freedom and the people's right to know, as seen in its continued inaction on media killings and the continued failure of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to issue a categorical order to end the bloodshed, Gonzalez' latest pronouncement can be nothing but a dire portend of things to come.
We call on the 14th Congress to act posthaste on this potential threat not just to press freedom but to democracy itself by reviewing or, better still, repeal altogether this law that is worse than the disease it purports to cure.