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PEACETALK: Let the narratives of our region be heard, understood and celebrated

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(Video message of Chief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim at the opening on October 18 of the BARMM’s first Information and Media Summit in Davao City. The three-day Summit ended on 20 October 2023). 

Bismillah ar-Rahman at Rahim.
Assalamu alakium warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

I am honored to be with you today as we gather for the “Amplifying Voices, Nurturing the Gains of the Peace Process: The Role of Communicators in the Bangsamoro Region Summit.” This gathering marks a  major turning point in our collective journey towards lasting peace, progress, and unity in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.

In an era where information travels much after than ever before, the role of communicators is more crucial than ever. Communication is about more than just transmitting information; it is about bridging gaps, creating understanding, and promoting peace and harmony. It is about amplifying voices that have long been unheard and nurturing the gains of the peace process that we have painstakingly worked towards. 

The signing of the peace accord has been a witness to the power of dialogue, diplomacy, and cooperation. It has brought closer to the dream of a just and peaceful homeland, where all Bangsamoro cart live in harmony and prosperity. However, we all know, the road to lasting peace is not without obstacles. 

We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our history. While we celebrate the gains of the peace process, we must also acknowledge the challenges that persist. In this ever changing socio-political landscape, the role of communicators is pivotal. We are tasked with conveying the stories of resilience, hope, and determination that define our region. We are the storytellers of progress and social change. 

Today’s summit is not just and event; it is an avenue for empowerment. It is an opportune time for media professionals to hone their skills, exchange ideas, and strengthen the information and media network within the Bangsamoro. It is through your collective efforts that we can ensure that the narratives of our region are not only heard but understood and celebrated. 

As we embark on this summit, let us keep in mind our shared vision for the Bangsamoro – a region that thrives on diversity, inclusivity, and justice. Let us commit to using our platforms to empower, educate, and inspire every Bangsamoro. Let us nurture the gains of the peace process, and build a brighter future together. 

In conclusion, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your dedication to promoting press freedom. The narratives we tell are the hopes we shape, and the voices we amplify will play a crucial role in the continued success of the Bangsamoro peace process. Let us work hand in hand to make a positive impact, to nurture the dividends of the peace process, and to amplify that voices that will lead us towards a brighter, more peaceful Bangsamoro. 

Shukran. Wa billahi taufiq walhidayah wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wahbarakatu. 

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