The Supercat landed in Batangas pier at 9:00 am. Outside the gates, Fr. Ernie – the superior of the Redemptorists in Lipa was waiting for me together with over 80 bikers from Lipa and Batangas. I was surprised when many bikers took off their helmets and ask me to bless them (mano po). So we set off towards Lipa – on my left rode one of the leaders of the Batangas Mountain-Bikers (a 59 year old lawyer) and on my right was Leah- a pretty biker from Lipa who teaches in La Salle.
The presence of my fellow bikers made it easier to negotiate the 30 km gradual ascent to Lipa. After over two hours of biking we reached the Divino Amor – Redemptorist Church and we were welcomed the Redemptorist community, the novices and staff. They prepared lunch for the bikers. I am just amazed by the hospitality of Fr. Ernie and the community.
I was able to get a good rest in the afternoon.