Meet Joel “Jomag’ Maglungsod, Kilusang Mayo Uno’s secretary-general, now third nominee of the Anakpaws Party List.
Maglunsod was formally elected during the party-list's 2nd National Convention at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in Sta. Mesa today; but his selection was finalized February 4 during Anakpawis' national executive council meeting in Quezon City, a press statement from Anakpawis said. The meeting was attended by Anajkpwas leaders from 16 regions in the country.
In a statement, Anakpawis Rep. Crispin Beltran, former KMU chair, said Maglungsod’s selection “will further strengthen our party-list's appeal to workers.”
“He will be the voice of the most militant and progressive ranks of workers, but at the same time he is capable of reaching out to the more conservative or moderate section of labor. His experience as a labor leader and erstwhile teacher in Mindanao will serve him well as a pro-people, pro-people congressman," Beltran said.
Despite his detention, Beltran remains the first nominee of Anakpawis while Rafael Mariano remains the second.
Maglunso, a political detainee under Marcos, has been active in the labor movement since the 1980s. According to the Anakpawis statement, Maglungsod is a holder of a Liberal Arts degree, major in Economics and Philosophy from the Malaybalay College Seminary.
In 1982, he served as labor organizer and later as National Assistant Director for the United Lumber and General Workers of the Philippines (ULGWP) in Davao. In the 1990s he served as Deputy Secretary General of the Nagkahiusa Mamumuo sa Mindanao, KMU's regional formation in Southern Mindanao. In 2003 he was elected KMU national secretary general.