More than 5, 000 senior citizens across Davao City are set to join in this years edition of the event which carries a theme “Active Ageing”.
The three-day event aims to provide another venue for physical and mental exercises to the elderly community.
Councilor Leo Avila, steering committee chair, said that the event aims to promote camaraderie and friendship among the city’s senior citizens.
“It is also a form of recognition of the significant contribution of older persons to the community,” said Avila during the Davao Sportswriters Association Forum on Thursday.
The three-day event will feature field demonstration, athletics, ball games, board games, indoor games, social ball room dancing, quiz bowl and recreational sports events including paper cutting, message relay, candle relay, golf ball putting and fish fanning.
A total of 14 teams are joining the event which was launched in 2002 by the city government through the City Mayor’s Office in coordination with the Davao City Federation of Senior Citizens Affairs and with the support of various organizations.
“This Elderlympics gives more reason to the senior citizens to keep physically fit every year,” said Avila .
Avila said Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has sponsored a total amount of P250, 000 for mobilization plus P20, 000 cash giveaways to the participating teams every year.
Gift items and cash incentives await the winners in the event.
The Drug Stores Association of the Philippines will conduct a medical mission during the sports event.