Kid self-defense enables children, in a relative short period, to learn self-defense techniques carefully adapted to match their respective age, physical and mental abilities. Through Krav Maga training, the children are taught how to recognize common threats like bullies and kidnappers. The training also aims to improve their self-esteem, build confidence respect and discipline.
IKMF Kid Krav Maga methods, especially in the younger age group are mostly taught through Krav Maga games. Games help the children develop coordination; learn how to follow directions and foster assertiveness. Through these games kids are taught how to avoid confrontation, and how to defend themselves when necessary in order to escape. Kid Krav Maga openly and cautiously explains attack scenarios kids may encounter the difference between being bullied by a classmate or by an unknown adult, their options in each situation, what is the proportional response and so on.
They get a true sense of the path they are on and their progress and they realize that no goal is impossible. In the process they also get a great work out! Kids who need to let out steam can also get a break in Krav Maga training. They’re permitted to hit the punching bag, fight with another student under the instructor’s supervision and in the process learn that without these pre-conditions it is not ok to hit or fight.
On the same day in the afternoon, a workshop on defense against pistol threats will be held in Fairlanes in F. Torres Street
Girl power
Women and self-defense will take the spotlight on May 25 in Dabawenya Fights Back, a workshop on Krav Maga techniques for women. Women Krav Maga techniques were developed by IKMF due to growing demand as part of Krav Maga self-defense solutions created for the various civilian sectors.||| |||buy advair rotahaler online with |||