Those that pass halal quality control will have labels marked with a halal seal so Muslim consumers will be guided accordingly.
Serra said the initial volume, which is only two percent of the market demand in the Middle East, will be a pilot export of the local halal industry. More volume and other halal products will be exported if the pilot shipment will be successful and once the halal accreditation firms up.
He said that the ARMM poultry’s export to the Middle East will be the result of cooperation among member countries in the BIMP-EAGA — using feeds from Indonesia's corn industry, utilizing the marketing expertise of Malaysia and the "trusted and widely-accepted" Brunei halal accreditation.
Serra said the ARMM's halal certification body, including government officials from the ARMM's Department of Trade and Industry and the private sector, will go to Brunei in August to work on the accreditation.
The government's 2004-2010 Medium Term Development Plan has envisioned ARMM to be the halal-based food production center of the country.