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COMMENTARY (1): New Bayanihan — A framework for national unity and identity

mindaviews commentary

Part 1: Seeking a foundational document for national identity

A personal note:

I’ve been reflecting on what should be the basis for national unification considering the many challenges that the Filipino people have been facing. This is a result of my reflection and musings. Perhaps it’s the time for “Makabagong Bayanihan” (New Bayanihan Narrative). Part 1 discusses historical foundational documents that are to be used as the basis of this national narrative.

Seeking these core elements to form the foundation of the New Bayanihan Ideology, shaping a collective mindset and approach that fosters unity, cooperation, and a shared sense of purpose among Filipinos. By embracing these elements, individuals and communities can work together toward a brighter and more inclusive future for the nation.

A foundational document that provides our Historical Perspective: The Kartilya ng Katipunan and Bonifacio’s Decalogue

The Kartilya ng Katipunan and Bonifacio’s Decalogue hold significant historical importance in the Philippines, particularly during the era of the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule. These documents were penned by Emilio Jacinto and Andres Bonifacio, respectively, both of whom were prominent figures in the struggle for Philippine independence.

The Kartilya ng Katipunan, also known as the Katipunan Primer, was a set of 14 rules that encapsulated the guiding principles of the Katipunan, a revolutionary organization founded by Andres Bonifacio. Emilio Jacinto, often referred to as the “Brains of the Katipunan,” authored the Kartilya ng Katipunan, which served as a moral and ethical guide for the members of the organization.

Bonifacio’s Decalogue, on the other hand, consists of ten duties or commandments expected of the “Sons of the People” who were part of the Katipunan. These commandments were aimed at instilling a sense of patriotism, selflessness, and commitment to the cause of liberation among its members.

The significance of the Kartilya ng Katipunan by Emilio Jacinto and Bonifacio’s Decalogue in Philippine history

The Kartilya ng Katipunan and Bonifacio’s Decalogue played a crucial role in shaping the course of Philippine history. During the late 19th century, when the Philippines was under Spanish colonial rule, these documents provided a moral compass for the Filipino revolutionaries and instilled a sense of purpose and unity among the members of the Katipunan.

These texts embodied the aspirations of the Filipino people for freedom, justice, and equality. They served as rallying points, guiding the revolutionaries in their struggle against oppression and exploitation. The principles and values articulated in the Kartilya ng Katipunan and Bonifacio’s Decalogue resonated deeply with the Filipino masses, igniting a spirit of resistance and defiance against the Spanish colonizers.

The core principles and values emphasized in these documents

The Kartilya ng Katipunan and Bonifacio’s Decalogue highlight several core principles and values that are deeply ingrained in Filipino culture and continue to resonate today. 

These include:

  1. Patriotism: The unwavering love for one’s country and a strong commitment to its welfare and liberation.
  2. Nationalism: A deep sense of pride, loyalty, and devotion to the nation, its history, culture, and identity.
  3. Selflessness: The willingness to sacrifice personal interests for the greater good of the Filipino people.
  4. Equality: The belief in the inherent equality and dignity of all individuals, regardless of social status, wealth, or background.
  5. Unity: The recognition that strength lies in unity and the importance of solidarity among Filipinos in achieving common goals.
  6. Integrity: The adherence to moral principles, honesty, and accountability in personal and public life.
  7. Courage: The bravery to confront and overcome challenges, even in the face of adversity and danger.
  8. 8. Social Justice: The pursuit of a just and equitable society, where the rights and welfare of all citizens are protected and upheld.

The impact these principles can be applied in contemporary society to foster national unity

The principles and values articulated in the Kartilya ng Katipunan and Bonifacio’s Decalogue continue to hold relevance in contemporary Philippine society. By embracing and applying these principles, the Filipino people can foster national unity and contribute to the progress and development of the nation.

Patriotism and nationalism can be nurtured by cultivating a sense of pride in Filipino heritage, promoting a deeper understanding of Philippine history and culture, and encouraging active citizen participation in nation-building activities. By recognizing the shared identity and common aspirations of the Filipino people, national unity can be strengthened.

Selflessness and a commitment to the greater good can be promoted through volunteerism, community engagement, and social initiatives that prioritize the welfare of marginalized sectors and address pressing societal issues. Encouraging empathy and compassion can help break down barriers and bridge the gaps between different segments of society, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and unity.

Embracing the principles of equality and social justice involves advocating for inclusive policies, promoting equal access to opportunities, and addressing the socio-economic disparities that exist within the country. By ensuring that every Filipino has a fair chance to succeed and prosper, national unity can be bolstered.

Integrity and courage are essential in building trust and confidence among the Filipino people. Upholding transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in both public and private spheres fosters an environment of trust and unity. Encouraging individuals to stand up against corruption and injustice promotes a collective commitment to the values that underpin national unity.

It is important to understand that the integration of these principles requires a concerted effort from all sectors of society, including government, civil society, and individuals. Through education, awareness campaigns, and the promotion of these values in everyday life, the new Bayanihan spirit can be reinvigorated, fostering national unity and paving the way for a brighter future for the Philippines.

The Heart and Soul: seeing thru Filipino Culture and Values

Filipino culture is a rich tapestry woven from a blend of indigenous, Malay, Arab Spanish, American, and Chinese influences. It is characterized by its vibrant diversity, warmth, hospitality, and strong sense of community. At the heart of Filipino culture lie a set of core values that shape how Filipinos live and interact with others.

Filipino values encompass a wide range of traits and principles that have been passed down through generations. These values include hospitality (pagkamapagmahal sa kapwa), respect (paggalang), close family ties (pamilya), strong religious faith (pananampalataya), resiliency (tibay ng loob), and the spirit of bayanihan (cooperative endeavor).

(MindaViews is the opinion section of MindaNews. Prof. Dato Yusuf Roque Santos Morales, PhD is a convener of the Consortium of Peacebuilders, Governance Developmental Security Studies. He was a Commissioner at the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos from 2016 to 2020 and in the same period was Subject Matter Expert and practitioner on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism of the Anti-Terrorism Council of the Office of the President). 

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