Led by Filipino-American Elmer Dolera, founder and Organizer of the Goodwill Tennis Tour, four US professional coaches will handle the clinic that will provide internationally recognized programs lifted straight out from the handbooks of United States professional Tennis Association (USPTA). Head Tennis Professional USPTA P1 Ted Sayrahder, USPTA Tennis Professionals Brian Cunnif and Mark Allen will render the services for free to both the children’s clinic and the Recreational Coaches workshop.
The Goodwill Tennis Tour has coordinated with the Davao Association of Tennis Clubs Inc., a 27-member club federation of tennis clubs in Region XI headed by its president Edgardo Caboverde. Happy to be of service to Filipinos who share his passion in tennis, Dolera has been doing his annual tour to the country as his way of promoting friendship and goodwill. Carol Angel, DATEC-Tennis Academy Foundation chief executive officer, said a free recreational coaches workshop will be given to all individuals in the region who are teaching and parents of young tennis players who wish to be guided with the ways and methods of coaching.
"Current players seeking part time job teaching tennis are welcome to join," said Angel. A USPTA certification will also be given to selected players and individuals who want to undergo specialized training and become certified coaches.
The sessions will take place for two days after the coaches’ and children’s drills, Angel said.
Meanwhile, three officials of Coca-Cola Bottlers Phil. Inc., Ozer Malaza, Glenn Enginco and Raymond Jaravelo, said their company will support the activities of DATEC through its Tennis Academy Foundation.
"With the assistance provided by Coca-Cola, the tennis group of the region hopes to benefit fully from it," Angel said. (Rico Biliran/MindaNews)