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COVID-19 began as a simple “No class today” for me Erick Tabiolo


DAVAO CITY (MindaNews /03 October) — The entire night last night was spent studying. Cramming. Trying to understand the lessons in calculus as much as I could. Burning the midnight oil, I was relentless in trying to maintain the high grades I had managed to keep since the very first day of class. I wanted to go out with a bang. It was our final exam, after all.

Imagine my surprise upon waking up in the morning. There was news about not having classes on the radio. However, I couldn’t believe it. I refused to believe it. Knowing all that I have studied will have come to waste. I looked at our group chat to see if they were going to school or not, but it seemed that there was no news whatsoever about having no classes. I decided to go on with my daily routine of eating breakfast, taking a bath, and then going to school.

The school was deserted. There were a few cars here and there, but other than that, the school was eerily empty. I checked the time and knew that this street should have been bustling with cars dropping off their students by now. But there weren’t any cars. I went down to ask the guard if there was no class today, and she confirmed it. As I was returning to the car, several thoughts crossed my mind: our exams, my grades, and even what I was supposed to do for the rest of the day. But even so, I could have never thought that that day was the beginning of a drastic change in the world and our own lives.

COVID-19 began as a simple “No class today” for me. I never minded the reality of it.[]/a> with |||

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