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ANGAY-ANGAY LANG: The Minoritization of the Indigenous Communities of Mindanaw and Sulu (15)

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  1. Miguel A. Bernad, S.J., Tradition & Discontinuity: Essays on Philippine History & Culture (Metro Manila: National Book Store, Inc., 1983).
  2. Laura W. Benedict, Bagobo Ceremonial, Magic and Myth (Leyden: P. J. Brill Ltd, 1916)
  3. Ferdinand Blumentritt, An Attempt at Writing a Philippine Ethnography. Translated from the original German Text by Marcelino N. Maceda. (Marawi City: University Research Center, 1980). First published at Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1882.
  4. Eric Casiño, The Jama Mapun (Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1976).
  5. Leothiny S. Clavel, They Are Also Filipinos (Manila: Bureau of printing, 1969).
  6. Emerson Brewer Christie, The Subanus of Sindangan Bay (Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1909).
  7. Fay Cooper-Cole, The Wild Tribes of the Davao District. Field Museum of Natural History. Publication No. 170. Anthropological Series. Volume XII, No. 1, Chicago, U.S.A.: 1913.
  8. Fay Cooper-Cole, The Bukidnon of Mindanao (Chicago Natural History Museum, 1956)
  9. Horacio de la Costa, S.J., The Jesuits in the Philippines, 1581-1768 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1967).
  10. Horacio de la Costa, S.J., Readings in Philippine History (Manila: Bookmark, 1965).
  11. Col. Harold H. Elarth, Ed., The Story of the Philippine Constabulary (Los Angeles, California: Globe Printing Company, 1949).
  12. John Park Finley, The Subanu: Studies of a Sub-Visayan Mountain Folk of Mindanao (Washington, D.C.: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1913).
  13. Cameron Forbes, The Philippine Islands (Boston & New York: Houghton Miffin Company, 1928). Volume II.
  14. John M. Garvan, The Manobos of Mindanao. Memoirs of the National Academy of the Sciences, Volume XXIII. First Memoir, 1929. (Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1931)
  15. Heidi K. Gloria, The Bagobos Their Ethnohistory and Acculturation (Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1987).
  16. Peter G. Gowing, Mandate in Moroland. The American Government of Muslim Filipinos, 1899-1920. (Quezon City: Philippine Center for Advanced Studies, UP System, 1977).
  17. Peter G. Gowing, Muslim Filipinos — Heritage and Horizon (Quezon city: New Day Publishers, 1979).
  18. Teopisto Guingona, A Historical Survey of Policies Pursued by Spain and the United States Towards the Moros in the Philippines Manila, 1943. Published in full in Dansalan Quarterly, Volume II, Number 3, April 1981.
  19. Human Rights and Ancestral Land: A Source Book. Prepared for the National Congress on Human rights and Ancestral Land, 8-9 December 1983, Diliman, Quezon City.
  20. Reynaldo C. Ileto, Magindanao: 1860-1888. The career of Datu Uto of Buayan (Marawi City: University Research Center, Mindanao State University. n.d. First published as Data Papers No. 82 of the Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1971).
  21. Thomas M. Kiefer, The Tausug: Violence and Law in a Philippine Moslem Society (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1972).
  22. Land is Life. Proceedings of the Ancestral Land Congress, UGAT, Inc. 23-24 March 1987, San Carlos University, Cebu City.
  23. Mardonio M. Lao, Cagayan de Oro Before the 20th Century. MA Thesis, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1978.
  24. Mardonio M. Lao, Bukidnon and the Bukidnons, 1860-1945: Colonialists’ Attempts at Integration. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1984.
  25. Mardonio M. Lao, Bukidnon in Historical Perspective (Musuan, Bukidnon: Publications Office, Central Mindanao University, 1985).
  26. Ruurdje Laarhoven, The Triumph of Moro Diplomacy (Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1989).
  27. Marcelino Maceda, The Culture of the Mamanwa (Cebu City: University of San Carlos Publications, 1975).
  28. Cesar Adib Majul, Muslims in the Philippines (Quezon City: Published for the Asian Center by the University of the Philippines, 1973).
  29. Arsenio Manuel, Manuvu Social Organization (Quezon City: Community Development Research Council, University of the Philippines 1973).
  30. Datu Michael O. Mastura, The Rulers of Magindanao in Modern History, 1515-1903. Research Project No. 5. Philippine Social Science Council. Modern History Program. Quezon City, January, 1979. Mimeograph Edition.
  31. Datu Michael O. Mastura, Muslim Filipino Experience (Manila: Ministry of Muslim Affairs, 1984).
  32. Melvin Mednick, Encampment of the Lake, The Social Organization of a Moslem Philippine (Moro) People (Chicago: Philippine Studies Program, University of Chicago, 1965),  Research Series No. 5.
  33. Sixto Y. Orosa, The Sulu Archipelago and Its People (New York: World Book Company, 1923). Updated and enlarged and republished by the New Mercury Printing Press in the Philippines, 1970.
  34. Jainal D. Rasul, Muslim-Christian Land: Ours to Share (Quezon City: Alemar-Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 1979).
  35. Najeeb M. Saleeby, “Studies in Moro History, Law and Religion”. Published in full in Notre Dame Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1 (April) 1975. First published — Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1905.
  36. Najeeb M. Saleeby, History of Sulu (Manila: Filipiniana  Book Guild  , 1963) First published — Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1908.
  37. Frederic H. Sawyer, The Inhabitants of the Philippines (London: Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1900).
  38. Stuart A. Schlegel, Tiruray Justice (Berkeley, Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 1970).
  39. William Henry Scott, Cracks in the Parchment Curtain and Other Essays (Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1985).
  40. Rad D. Silva, Two Hills of the Same Land. Privately Printed: Mindanao-Sulu Critical Studies & Research Group, September 1979. Revised Edition. Silva is Rudy Buhay Rodil in real life.
  41. Struggle Against Development Aggression. A Tabak Publication. (Quezon City: 1990)
  42. Eduardo Tadem, Johnny Reyes & Linda Susan Magno, Showcases of Underdevelopment in Mindanao: Fishes, Forest, and Fruits… (Davao City: Alternate Resource Center, 1984)
  43. Samuel K. Tan, The Filipino Muslim Armed Struggle, 1900-1972 (Makati: Filipinas Foundation, Inc., 1977)
  44. Alfredo T. Tiamson, Mindanao-Sulu Bibliography (Davao City: Ateneo de Davao, 1970).
  45. Alfredo T. Tiamson, The Muslim Filipinos. An Annotated Bibliography (Metro Manila: Filipinas Foundation, 1979).
  46. John R. White, Bullets and Bolos (New York & London: The Century Co., 1928).
  47. Dean Worcester, The Philippines Past and Present (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1914).


  1. Annual Report of the Philippine Commission, l900, Volume II, Part II (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901), pp. 350-358.
  2. Annual Report of the Philippine Commission, 1901 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902) Part I, P. 38.
  3. Annual Report of the Philippine Commission, 1904 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1905) Part I, P. 26.
  4. Annual Report of the Philippine Commission, 1903 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904) Part 2, P. 58.
  5. Annual Report of the Philippine Commission (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904) Part 3, p. 828.
  6. Annual Report of the Philippine Commission, 1905 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1906) Part I, P. 330.
  7. Annual Report of the Philippine Commission, July l, 1913 to December 31, 1914 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1915) pp. 399-400.
  8. Census of the Philippine Islands, 1903 (Washington: United States Bureau of the Census, 1905), Volume II.
  9. Census of the Philippines, 1918, 1939, 1948, 1960, 1970 & 1975.
  10. Senate of the Philippines. Senate Committee on the National Minorities. Report on the National Minorities, 1962.
  11. Congress of the Republic of the Philippines. RA 6734 An Act Providing for an Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
  12. Republic of the Philippines. Department of Public Information, Manila, 1976. Background Information on the Situation in Southern Philippines, p. 29.
  13. PD 705 or the Revised Forestry Code of 1975.
  14. Republic of the Philippines. Constitution of 1987


  1. Samuel Briones, The Manobos of Salangsang, Salaman, Lebak (Sultan Kudarat). M.A. Thesis, Silliman University, l969.
  2. Shinzo Hayase, Tribes, Settlers, and Administrators on a Frontier: Economic Development and Social Change in Davao, Southeastern Mindanao, The Philippines, 1899-1941. Ph.D. Dissertation, Murdoch University, Western Australia, 1984.
  3. Elena Maquiso, Prologue to the Ulahingan (Manobo Epic) (Dumaguete City: Silliman University, 1965) Mimeo Edition.
  4. Rudy B. Rodil, Kasaysayan ng mga Pamayanan ng Mindanao at Arkipelago ng Sulu, 1596-1898 Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, Pebrero 1992. MA Kasaysayan.
  5. R. Rodil, “Pagtutol at Pakikibaka ng mga Lumad sa Mindanao, 1903-1935” (Resistance and Struggle of the Lumad of Mindanao, 1903-1935). Paper presented at the 12th Conference on Local and National History, Mindanao State University, Marawi City, 22-24 October 1991, 54p.
  6. Consultation/Workshop on Ancestral Domain, Santa Cruz Mission, Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, 24-27 September 1991.


  1. Anonymous, “Our Lake For Others”, MIPC Communications, April 1978.
  2. Anonymous, “Our Land for Others”, Research Bulletin, Vol. III, Nos. 8-9, April-May 1978.
  3. Anonymous, “On the Rise and Fall of Lake Lanao”, Research Bulletin, Dansalan Research Center, July-August 1978.
  4. Jose S. Arcilla, S.J., “The Christianization of Davao Oriental: Excerpts from Jesuit Missionary Letters” in Philippine Studies, Volume l9, No. 4 October) l97l, pp. 639-724.
  5. David P. Barrows, “History of the Population,” Census of the Philippines Islands (Washington: United States Bureau of the Census, 1905), Volume I, pp. 411-491.
  6. Ronald K. Edgerton, “Frontier Society on the Bukidnon Plateau, l870-l94l, pp. 361-390, in Alfred W. McCoy & Ed D. de Jesus, eds., Philippine Social History (Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, l982).
  7. Richard E. Elkins, “Root of a Language”, in Alfredo R. Roces, Ed., Filipino Heritage (Manila: Lahing Pilipino Publishing, Inc., 1977). Volume 2, pp. 523-527.
  8. Mardonio M. Lao, “Oral Tradition or Bukidnon Pre-history: The Kalikat hu mga Etaw dini ta Mindanao,” Kinaadman IX (1987), pp. 23-31.
  9. Teodoro A. Llamzon, S.J., “In The Beginning Was the Word”, in Alfredo R. Roces, Ed., Filipino Heritage (Manila: Lahing Pilipino Publishing, Inc., 1977). Volume 2, pp. 393-400.
  10. Esterlinda M. Malagar, The Guman of Dumalinao A Subanon Folk Epic in Kinaadman II, 1980, pp. 253-380.
  11. Pelagio S. Mandi, “the Government Moro Policy”, Ateneo Law Journal 7, No. 3 (November-December) 1957, pp. 276-304.
  12. L. Mondelo, “Lumads Came of Age”, Tribal Forum, Volume VII, July-August 1986, pp. 13-14.
  13. Rudoph Rahmann, S.V.D. & Marcelino N. Maceda, “Notes on the Negritos of Northern Negros, Anthropos, Volume 50, Nos. 4 – 6 (1955), pp. 810-836.
  14. Rudy B. Rodil, “Ang Edukasyon at Karapatan ng Sambayanang Moro na Magpasiya sa Sarili” (Education and the Moro Right to Self-Determination), The Journal of History, Volume XXXIV, Nos. 1 & 2, January – December 1989 and Volume XXXV, Nos. 1 & 2, January – December 1990, pp. 99-112.
  15. Stuart Schlegel, “Tiruray-Maguindanao Ethnic Relations: An Ethnohistorical Puzzle,” Solidarity, Vol. VII, No. 4 (April) 1972, pp. 25-30.
  16. Morice Vanoverbergh, “Negritos of Northern Luzon,” Anthropos, Volume 20, Nos. 1 – 2 (January- April) 1925, pp. 148-149.
  17. Morice Vanoverbergh, “Negritos of Northern Luzon Again,” Anthropos, Volume 14, Nos. 1 – 2 (January- April) 1929, pp. 3-75.
  18. Morice Vanoverbergh, “Negritos of Eastern Luzon,” Anthropos, Volume 32, Nos. 5 – 6 (September-December) 1937, pp. 905-928.
  19. Lindy Washburn, “The Guimba Incident”, Kadtuntaya, Third Quarter, 1978, pp. 14-15.


  1. Bulletin Today, 3 July 1979.
  2. Bulletin Today, 10 December 1979.
  3. Manila Bulletin, 17 February 1992
  4. Philippine Daily Inquirer, 29 February 1992
  5. Philippine Daily Inquirer, 22 March 1992
  6. Philippine Daily Inquirer, 24 January 1993
  7. Philippine Sunday Express, 17 September 1978.
  8. Signs of the Times, 123 September 1975.
  9. Times Journal, 9 November 1978, and 22 September 1979.
  10. Tribal Forum, Vol. VI, No. 5, September – October 1985.
  11. The Journal Al-Alam Al-Islam, January 1977, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 31-32.


  1. Factsheet on the Mt. Apo Anti-Geothermal Power Project Campaign, January-August 1992. Compiled by Organized Campaign for Environmental Action and Networking (OCEAN), a unit of Kinaiyahan Foundation, Inc.
  2. Bobby Timonera, “Impasse on Mindanao’s Energy Crisis”, 4 January 1992, Typescript, 5p.
  3. Bobby Timonera, “No Immediate Remedy for Mindanao’s Power Crisis”, 4 January 1992. Typescript, 8p.
  4. Bobby Timonera, “ARMM’s Candao Lambasts Napocor, DENR”, 14 January 1992, Typescript, 3p.
  5. Bobby Timonera, “Maranaos See Economic Embargo Threat as a Blessing”, 15 January 1992. Typescript, 4p.
  6. Bobby Timonera, “Malixi’s Visit to Marawi Yields No Results”, 22 January 1992, Typescript, 1p.
  7. Bobby Timonera, “Maranaos Show Opposition to Agus I Plant”, 24 January 1992, Typescript, 2p.

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