Nurture for me more MOROSYe mentors and gurus,That they may acquirw the "ILM" of Nabi SulaymanWith tongue of truth to enlighten mankind
Reserve for me Muslim MOROSHamja-like with their bows and arrows;Handsome Krisa-wielders and tireless swimmers,With Achilles physique of fearless trailblazers.
Employ for me countless MOROSWhose hands are attuned to toilAmidst Allah-bestowed bountiful soil,Twenty five hours each day,Every Moro an ACHIEVER
Urgently wanted is a gently moderate MOROSAmong his peers he walks hand-in-hand,He does not just command:As vanguard of truth and Kamahardika-am*Never outsmarted by colonial giants.
Salute the Moro youths "Best of the Best"The Baccalaureate of Al-Qur'an and Hadiths,Henceforth commencing the Muslim eras After Hijrah- 1426;In thoughts, words and deeds: Onward the Moro Peace Advocates!
I sghall yearn no more for another MOROOnce the world hath bloom with thine kin's beau,With MORO's blood in every vein that flows,Happily I breath mine last to bin adieu.
MORO youths of tomorrow, thou art destinedTo Bangsamoro homeland – awake and proclaim,The "Nuur" of Islamic justice thou art to defend -Allah, yaa Rabbul Aalamiin….Let no graveyard entomb MIMJIM's dream.